Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions seem great at 12:00am When the confetti is falling and you're kissing your loved one... but the next day, the next month, the next year, trying to follow your New Years resolution can be somewhat depressing. So you said I am going to loose 50 lbs this year, or I am going to pay off all my debt or spend an hour more a day with my family. Then time goes by and if you haven't been doing your resolution, you feel like a failure. So make those resolutions something you can live with. Like I am going to work on being healthier this year, so if you only loose 5 lbs, you still kept your resolution. Or I am going to work on paying down my debt. So even if you could only add an extra $5 a month on a payment, you kept your resolution. Or Just say I am going to spend more time with my family. If today you only got an extra 5 minutes with them, it was still more than before and you will feel good about your self! New Years Resolutions should help you to feel good about yourself and not like a failure. So if you do make a resolutions, make it reasonable so you can feel good about yourself and your decisions all year long! I personally do not make them, but maybe for those that do this will help you to have a more positive year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

1 comment:

Christian said...

I am with you, I just don't even make them anymore!

BTW, it is me who keeps texting you from a strange number. That is my new Houston cell phone!