Monday, August 18, 2008

School supply lists!! ARRGGHH

Okay, I hope I am not the only one who hates buying back to school supplies every year! The kids always have leftovers from the previous years, but the next grade wants different supplies. So its buying all over again.It gets very frustrating! This year one the boys grades says to bring 48, yes 48 pencils! What the heck is my 6th grader going to do with that many pencils? Build another school room. They ask for too many things at once! One year, my son needed a 16 count crayon. NO MORE they wrote in bold letters. So I went to Walmart to get his 16 count crayon, and would you know the 16 count was 3 times as expensive as the 24 count. So being me, I of course went on line and found out which 16 crayons were in the box and bought the 24 count and gave him the 16 he needed. Instead of spending over $1.50 I spent .25! I am sure my frugalness will one day embarrass my family, but a penny saved is a penny earned! So this week we will be buying more supplies and even though, I am sure I have half of the supplies hiding in the kids closet, I will get more, and will be sure to complain the whole time, even though I know it really is a waste of time and I should do all things without complaint.


Christian said...

heeheehee! I love the crayon story! BTW, I forgot to tell you that I don't have very many colors of thread, so when you send me fabric for the apron, throw in some matching thread.

Brandy's Adventure said...

I stumbled across your blog from Christian's blog. I hope you don't mind!
I am totally with you on the school supply thing though. I just got done shopping for them and didn't enjoy one bit of it. The teacher asked for 12, 12 glue sticks! I was in shock. Also, they now have to bring disinfectant wipes. That is a new one for me.
Hope you get all your shopping done. The stores are crazy right now, especially the school supply aisle.

Angie said...

Hey there! Of course I remember you! Isn't blogging fun?

I totally relate to the school supply list. I jokingly say, "I pay taxes!" I read one list that said to bring 4 dry erase markers, kleenex, 2 bottles of hand sanitizer... and the list goes on. I notice for my kids classes they had all of the normal stuff and all of the wierd things were optional. I know our buggets can be just as tight as the school's. There thanks for letting me vent! I feel so much better!

~Cheevers Girls~ said...

I'm the opposite.... I LOVE school shopping. The new bag... even though last years is just fine... new erasers, new colors, new pencil box. It is a fun time of year for me and I love getting all new stuff to start the new year. Like a new beginning and who knows what it will bring!!!