Thursday, July 24, 2008

It is not so easy.

Parenting, well if anyone had told me it would be this hard, I don't know if I would have been jumping up and down yelling "pick me, pick me!" Being a mother is the most difficult, yet wonderful and rewarding job ever! Everyday, I am faced with new challenges, some simple, some not so simple. I am trying more and more to be a better mom. It is more difficult with the vast ages in our family. I am really trying to put my self in their shoes and see it from their view. When I do this, it usually humbles me and I think of a kinder way to settle our differences. I am so thankful for having the Lord as my guide, for without his love and forgiveness, I may not be able to do that so well. I am not saying it is easy, but I am sure God is with me all the way, and when I throw my hands up (which ,I have many times) and say "Jesus take the wheel!" I know he is there to guide me! I am having a difficult time with one of my children and while it is not something horrible, I still need to see things as he is and feel what he is! When I finally did, I broke down and cried and thought how could I be so thoughtless! From now on, I will not just look at things from my view, but from theirs also!


Christian said...

Okay, read James 1:5 and then follow up with James 3:13-18. I have been praying that God would grant me that kind of wisdom for raising the kids for a few months and amazingly God has given me just the right idea at just the right moment for dealing with those "what do I do now?" moments. It also reminds me that I was going to post this in my blog, because that little combo of scriptures has packed a powerful punch in my parenting! Praise God! And, hang in there, you can do it, God loves your kiddos even more than you do, and he will take care of them!

Whitney said...

youa re such a good mom, most days I don't even put forth the effort after years of dealing with one of the kids erbellion, i'm exhausted! She's wearing me thin!